Split Silent Audio🤓

⚠️ Warning / Disclaimer

The script is still under development. Use it on your own risk. Make a backup of your project.


Split Silent Audio.jsx


ScriptUI Panel

The script can be installed as a ScriptUI Panel. You can then activate the Panel under the Windows menu. The panel can be docked.

Stand Alone

The script can be run stand alone from the FileScriptsRun Script File. This will bring up a configuration window.


  1. Select a layer you like to split / cut.
  2. Bring up the Panel (if not already visible) via WindowsSplit Silent Audio.jsx or run the script via FileScriptsSplit Silent Audio.jsx.
  3. Check the parameters, adjust them as required (see below).
  4. Then select "Split".


The script allows to specify some parameters:

A number that specifies the volume level below which the audio is considered silent. Good values are 1 to 3. (A future version of the script will allow calibration of the parameter).
The length of a period in 1/25 seconds that should be considered as continuous silence. That is: the script searches for blocks such that the volume level is less or equal threshold for silicene*25 seconds.
The offset that specifies where to cut the block of silence measured in 1/25 seconds. The cut will be places at (S + padding*25) and (T - padding*25), where S is the time of the first drop to silence (in seconds) and T is the time of the first rise to non-silence (in seconds), such that, if you cut out the block of silence there will be a pause of 2*padding*25.
An integer (1-16) specifying the label to be assigned to the blocks of silence. The color depend on your configuration, but usually 1 is red, 2 is yellow and 3 is light blue (the default color). The non-silent region will retain the label of the selected layer.


A layer with some phases of silence

Select the layer, adjust parameters, select "Split"


Layers with silence are labeled (here yellow)


The script was inspired by / based on a script by "NT Productions" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zaas3EgXqA - (thank you for the hint to use the "Convert Audio to Keyframes"). Apart from fixing some bugs, this script adds some more feature (e.g. separate spec. of padding and size of silence, labelling of silent blocks for review, dockable ScriptUI Panel, progress-bar, etc.).


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Thank you.

Please send feedback or questions to email@christian-fries.de - thank you.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.