Obba: Handling Java Objects in Excel and OpenOffice

A new version of Obba has been released: Obba Version 1.8.21.

Obba provides a bridge from spreadsheets (Excel or OpenOffice) to Java classes via worksheet functions (UDFs), without the need to write a single line of code. With Obba, you can easily build spreadsheet GUIs to Java classes. Obba is available for Excel and OpenOffice and Obba sheets may be migrated from Excel to OpenOffice or vice versa.

For more information see Obba's homepage.

Release Notes

Version 1.8.21 of Obba brings the following changes:

  • Access fields of an object directly through a spreadsheet function call using 'obCall'. In this case the method name has to be dot + fieldname (e.g '.myMember').
  • Access elements of an array through a spreadsheet function call using 'obCall'. In this case the method name has to be '[]' and the argument of the call is integer specifying the index. Element of multi-dimensional arrays can be accessed likewise.
  • Vector arguments can be passed as arbitrary ranges (columns, rows or two dimensional ranges which are then flattened using row major).