Obba: Handling Java Objects in Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice and NeoOffice

A new version of Obba has been released: Obba Version 3.0.6.

Obba provides a bridge between spreadsheets and Java classes. With Obba, you can use spreadsheets as GUIs for your Java libraries; turning your Java library to platform independent spreadsheet add-ins. Compatible with Excel/Windows, OpenOffice/Win/Mac/Linux, LibreOffice/Win/Mac/Linux, NeoOffice/Mac.

Its main features are:
Obba Diagram

  • Stateful access to almost all objects and methods running in a Java virtual machine via a fixed set of spread sheet functions.

  • Client/server support: The Java virtual machine providing the add-in may run on the same computer or a remote computer - without any change to the spreadsheet.

  • Loading of arbitrary jar or class files at runtime through a spreadsheet function.

  • Instantiation of Java objects, storing the object reference under a given object label.

  • Invocation of methods on objects referenced by their object handle, storing the handle to the result under a given object label.

  • Asynchronous method invocation and tools for synchronization, turning your spreadsheet into a multi-threaded calculation tool.

  • Allows arbitrary number of arguments for constructors or methods (avoids the limitation of the number of arguments for Excel worksheet functions).

  • Serialization and de-serialization (save Serializable objects to a file, restore them any time later).

  • All this through spreadsheet functions, without any additional line of code (no VBA needed, no additional Java code needed).

For a tutorial see Obba tutorial. In this tutorial you create a Java class and a spreadsheet to fetch Stock quotes from finance.yahoo.com.

For a more detailed introduction see Obba documentation and Obba home page.

Version 3.0.6 of Obba is a major revision. It brings support for running the Java virtual machine on a different machine, i.e. via Obba, the spreadsheet may perform its Java calculations on a remote machine.

For more information see Obba's homepage.